Cheap Stocks

We focus on undervalued small-cap stocks. Usually with a large cash cushion. We have developed a valuation formula that has been highly successful, especially on small tech stocks. Since 2006, we have closed out 49 stock positions with an average gain of 37%. 9 stocks have been taken over.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


INYX closed up $.20 to $2.85 (up 49% from $1.91 purchase price). Hopefully all their PR is true and we will see a huge increase in sales--and close to or at--cash breakeven and a price close to $3.50.

AVSO.ob--down a bit to $2.08 but still up from $1.19 buy price--+75%. Hold to $2.50 at least.
NTCT--closed $6.74 from $6.58. Up 21% from $5.55 buy price. Hold for $7.75.
DWCH--closed $3.53 down from $3.66 last week and our buy price--down 4%. Still looks like it is worth $7 to me. Buy.
ONXS--closed $3.89, up $.12 from last week, but still down from our buy price of $4.10. Down 5%. Hold for next quarter earnings.
INFT--closed $4.16 up from our buy price of $4.11--+1%. watching moss grow, but expect to wake up some day and the stock will be over $6. Buy/Hold

CTI ---(CTIG.ob)

Found a new OB-aby. CTI Holdings. Got cash equal to their market cap, a real business. Valuation of $1.10 discounting their IP patent enforcement business line severely. Make a penny, lose a penny P+L. Trading at $.24 bid-$.27 ask. Thin, hard to buy below the ask, but looks like 3X upside. Buy.

Monday, February 20, 2006


AVSO.ob-Closed last week at $2.20 (+85%). Hold till $2.50
INFT--Closed at $4.11 (EVEN). Doing nothing. Wait for next earning report. Target $6.
NTCT-Closed $6.58 (+19%). Hold for $7.75.
DWCH-Closed $3.66 (EVEN). Hold for $7.00
ONXS-Closed $3.77 (-8%). Announced good earnings, but had lousy guidance. Looking for $6+ on this one, but will have to watch closely. If they don't beat their guidance, or don't have positive guidance at next earnings, this will be a sell.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

New Cheap stocks

Datawatch (NASDAQ-DWCH). Valuation pegged at $7.50, trading $3.66 as of Friday. $.93 per share in cash. Looks like a great buy at this level.
Onyx Software (NASDAQ-ONXS). Valuation pegged at $7.12, trading at $4.15 on Friday. $1.17 in cash. Buy.
Avatech (BB-AVSO.ob). Has moved up from $1.19 to $1.95 (+64%). Valuation $3.14 so it still has room to go. $2.50 target to start lightening up. Hold.
Netscout-(NASDAQ--NTCT). Price staying strong at $6.44 (bought at $5.53). Valuation $8.57. Target-$7.75. Hold.